Selecting an Online Casino

Selecting an online casino shouldn’t be done lightly. While there are a lot of reputable online casinos out there, the Internet has its share of crooks. I’m going to go over a series of items to look for when selecting an online casino.

Online Casino Age

The first thing I look for in an online casino is age. While older doesn’t equal better, it is a good sign. For one thing, an 랜덤추첨기 older online casino is bound to have chatter out there. If an online casino is less than one year old, I won’t play there. It might be a great online casino, but I’ll wait for some feedback and age first. Some of the most reputable casinos online are anywhere from 4-13 years old.


Another issue with me is payout speed. Sure, an online casino might be lightning quick in taking my money, but how fast can they put it back in my pocket? Over the years this has been a major problem area for many online casinos.

It’s good to check around first. If an online casino is purposely slow, it could be the sign of potential problems. In this day and age, you should be able to get your withdraws processed and in your account (unless they are sending via postal mail) within 48 hours-maybe 72 tops. Anything more is just amateur and 기관총앱스랜덤추첨기 behind the times.

Licensing and Information

Is the online casino licensed? If so, with who? Check the address and phone number of the online casino. You should be able to find these easily. If not, there’s a problem.

Give the online casino a call. Someone should answer quickly (three rings or less). If not, it could be a sign of weak customer support-commonplace with many online casinos.

Do they have a street address? Make sure their address isn’t some mailbox out in the middle of a pasture somewhere.


This last step is really good. Go to your favorite search engine-or two. Next type in the online casino’s name and see what comes up. Try adding search terms to their name like:

Customer service

That will get you started. If someone has commented about the online casino, you’ll have a good chance of finding it.

If you can’t find anything, that’s just not a good sign. With any luck, you’ll find many sources of information about the online casino. It doesn’t need to be an all-day thing either. Just do some searches, check out some stuff and if it all adds up, go enjoy yourself.

Staying Safe

It just makes sense to follow these ideas. Another tip is to deposit just a small amount and try out the online casino first. If you like it and they appear reputable, go have a blast.

Gambling online is fun. Just be sure to take some security precautions.

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