911 Faqs And More Questions

The number 911 has been in the news quite frequently in the last couple of years.

911 is the emergency number dialed by people when they need fire, police or ambulance assistance in a hurry. In the year 911 the Lower Seine area was ceded to the Norse invaders under Hrolf Ranger as the Duchy of Normandy (treaty of St Claire sur Epte).

Anastasius III became Pope from 911-913.

The Danes started the towv of Drogheda in Ireland.

9 11 also stands for the horrendous attack by terrorists on New York City and the Pentagon in which thousands of people were murdered.

Here are some pertinent questions that to this day still have not been answered:

Why did the FBI stop their investigation in Mid 1996 of two of Osama bin Laden’s relatives in Washington and a Muslim organisation, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth?

Was it because they had orders from higher up to stop any investigations related to the Bin Laden Family?

Why did George W.Bush give the order to stop inquiries into the terrorist connections of the Bin Laden family based in MLB중계 the US and abroad in early 2001?

Why did the US Government allow all the Bin Laden Family...

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